2011 individual leaders
FINAL, 10 games
Mullins 162-718 4
Daley 35-133 1
LaChance 35-110 1
Delos 30-85 0
23-65 0
Scott 36-48 1
Brophy 11-35 1
Wood 2-8 0
Amoroso 3-7 0
Gumbs 5-4 0
Wilson 2-4 0
DeMarco 1 (-1) 0
C. Gavin 2-(-6) 0
Scott 33-96-10 548 6
Daley 12-22-3 84 2
Gumbs 2 4-0 68 1
C. Gavin 0-7-3 0 0
Gumbs 11-173 4
Wood 11-115 1
Powell 7-122 2
Wilson 4-119 2
C. Gavin 7-73 0
DeMarco 2-61 0
Grillo 3-25 0
Mullins 2-7 0
LaChance 1-5 0
TDs PAT 2pt Pts
Mullins 4-0 0 0 24
Gumbs 0-4 0 0 24
WIlson 0-2 0 0 12
Powell 0-2 0 0 12
Wood 0-1 0 3 12
Daley 1-0 1 1 9
C. Gavin 0-0 0 4 8
Scott 1-0 0 0 6
LaChance 1-0 0 0 6
Brophy 1-0 0 0 6
FIELD GOALS: Daley 0-1
PATS: Daley 1-2
Return yardage: Kickoffs: Daley 28-441, Demarco 11-82, Brophy 4-39, Grillo 3-18, Wood 3-17, Gavin 1-minus 3, Delos 1-0; Punts: Daley 4-75
Punting: Delos 25-781 (31.2), C. Daley 9-310 (34.4), Grillo 1-31
Interceptions (2): Brophy 1-36, Powell 1-10
Fumble recovery (11): Grillo 3, Daley 3, Mullins 1 , Wilson 1, Amoroso 1, Powell 1, Lachance 1
Sacks (8): Mullins 1.5-20, Bonini 1.5-28, Murphy 1.5-30, Lachance 1-10, C. Daley 1-10, Delos 1-8, Wood 0.5-8
Blocked punt (1) Latvis
Blocked PAT (4) Latvis 2, Daley, Bonini
Blocked FG (1) Daley
Tackles: Daley 71 (43 tackles, 28 assists), E. Latvis 59 (46 tackles, 13 assists), Lachance 56 (43 tackles, 13 assists); Mullins 50 (32-18), Delos 41 (30-11), Wood 40 (25-15), Bonini 37 (22-15), Brophy 35 (25-10), Murphy 33 (23-10), DeMarco 24 (13-11), Scott 22 (11-11), Gumbs 20 (14-6), Amoroso 20 (9-11), Grillo 17 (10-7), Powell 16 (13-3), Durbois 15 (9-6), Parchen 10 (4-6), Permenter 8 (5-3), Trowers 7 (5-2), Toland 7 (4-3), C. Gavin 7 (7-0), N. Latvis 4 (3-1), Zukowski 2 (2-0), Houle 3 (3-0), Ward 1 (1-0), Wilson 1 (1-0), Lawlor 3 (3-0), Vandebogart 1 (1-0)
Granby 27, Canton 12
At Granby
6 6 0 0 -- 12
13 0 6 8 -- 27
First quarter
G: Kevin Mouning 25 pass from Zach Balboni (pass fails)
G: James Utso 6 run (Ian Downey kick)
C: Kyle Mullins 6 run (pass fails), 1:24
Second quarter
C: Sebastian Gumbs 22 pass from Eric Scott, 3:20
Third quarter
G: Stephen Blake 2 run (Balboni pass from Curt Fields)
Fourth quarter
G: Blake 3 run (kick blocked), 8:26
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Canton -- Mullins 17-109, Scott 3-7, Daley 4-0, Grillo 2-1, Amoroso 1-minus 1
PASSING: Canton -- Scott 3-9-1, 74; Gumbs 0-1-0
RECEIVING: Canton -- Gumbs 1-22, Wilson 1-30, Grillo 1-22
RETURNS: Grillo 3-125 (kickoffs), 2-18 (punts); DeMarco 1-0 (punts)
TACKLES: Murphy 10 tackles, 4 assists; Bonini 7-6, Daley 4-8, Lachance 7-1, Wood 5-5, Brophy 5-4, Dubois 6-1, Gumbs 6-1
SACKS: Murphy 1.5-30, Bonini 1.5-28; Wood 0.5-8; Mullins 1.5-20
FUM REC: Daley; INTERCEPTIONS: Powell 1-10
SMSA/Univ. 36, Canton 8
At Simsbury
SMSA (4-5)
8 0 22 6 – 36
Canton (0-9)
0 0 8 0 – 8
First quarter
S: Rashod Cauley 54 pass from Wilfredo Alicea (Caleb Martin pass from Alicea), 10:26
Third quarter
S: Alicea 1 run (Kiante Macon run), 8:46
C: Sebastian Gumbs 56 pass from Eric Scott (Conner Gavin pass from Scott), 8:24
S: Cauley 33 pass from Alicea (Martin pass from Alicea), 6:38
S: Kayron Macon 34 run (pass fails), 0:05
Fourth quarter
S: Kayron Macon 33 run (pass fails), 7:49
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Canton – Terrence Brophy 3-8, Robby Grillo 3-12, Kyle Mullins 11-32, Eric Scott 9-21, Cameron Daley 8-4; SMSA – Kiante Macon 1-6, Wilfredo Alicea 4-minus 22, Kayron Macon 13-133, Ezequiel Ortiz 6-61, Kadeem 1-6, Caleb Martin 5-42
PASSING: Canton – Eric Scott 10-15-1, 176, Daley 0-1-1, 0; SMSA – Wilfredo Alicea 7-11-0, 188
RECEIVING: Canton – Jake Wood 4-45, Zach Powell 2-45, Conner Gavin 3-32, Sebastian Gumbs 1-56; SMSA – Cauley –6-169, Kiante Macon 1-19
RETURNS: Kickoffs – Brophy (C) 1-8, Matt DeMarco (C) 2-8, Daley (C) 2-32; Kiante Macon (S) 1-16; Punts – Cauley (S) 1-0, Kiante Macon (S) 1-36, Grillo (C) 1-31
FUMBLE REC: Daley (C), Patrick Richard (S); INTERCEPTIONS: Cauley (S) 1-0, Kiante Macon (S) 1-46; SACKS: Caleb Martin (S) 1-4, Daley (C) 1-11
Stafford/EW 40, Canton 8
At Canton
Stafford/EW (2-5) 16 16 8 0 – 40
Canton (0-8)
0 0 0 8 – 8
First quarter
S: Matt Graham 81 run (David Deleon pass from Tim Ford)
S: Deleon 55 interception (Jessie Scroggins run)
Second quarter
S: Scroggins 73 punt return (Zach Rollins pass from Ford)
S: Tim Artruc 7 run (Artruc pass from Ford)
Third quarter
S: Artruc 15 run (Deleon pass from Ford)
Fourth quarter
C: Zach Powell 6 pass from Cameron Daley (Connor Gavin pass from Daley)
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Canton -- Mullins 16-45, Scott 1-3, Daley 1-21, LaChance 4-1, Amoroso 1-4, Grillo 3-7, Brophy 3-8
PASSING: Canton -- Scott 2-6-1, 28; Daley 4-8-1, 42; Gumbs 1-2-0, 29
RECEIVING: Canton -- Powell 2-16, Wood 1-18, Wilson 1-29, Demarco 1-11, Gumbs 2-28
RETURNS: Kickoffs -- Grillo 1-0, Daley 2-40, DeMarco 3-26
FUM REC: LaChance
Gilbert/NWR 50, Canton 12
At Canton
Gilbert (5-2)
24 13 13 0 -- 50
Canton (0-7)
0 6 0 6 -- 12
First quarter
G: J.P. Deluc 2 run (kick fails), 9:33
G: Devon Molway 9 run (kick fails), 8:38
G: Tony Ortiz 28 run (kick fails), 6:16
G: Ortiz 67 run (kick fails), 1:34
Second quarter
G: Molway 10 run (kick fails), 11:00
C: Jake Wood 6 pass from Eric Scott (kick fails), 6:06
G: Molway 51 run (Delac kick), 1:41
Third quarter
G: Molway 49 run (kick fails), 10:00
G: Molway 65 run (John Ambromaitis kick), 2:20
Fourth quarter
C: Kyle Mullins 70 run (run fails), 8:08
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Gilbert – Devon Molway 14-313, Tony Ortiz 4-122, Cameron Barr 4-20, John Lippincott 1-minus 8, J.P. Deluc 2-4, Ryan Eseppi 1-6, Sullivan 3-4, John Ambromaitis 1-5, Seth Dayton 3-0; Canton – Mullins 11-99, Delos 2-1, Scott 4-2, Daley 2-1, Lachance 4-minus 8, Amoroso 1-4, Grillo 1-5, Brophy 1-1
PASSING: Gilbert – Lippincott 0-3-1, 0; Canton -- Scott 3-11-3, 49, Daley 3-6-1, 17
RECEIVING: Canton – Wood 2-21, Gumbs 3-17, Gavin 1-28
RETURNS: Daley (C) 4-65, DeMarco (C) 1-2, Brophy (C) 1-7
BLOCKED PAT: Latvis (C) 2, Daley (C) 1; FUM REC: Daley (C) 1; INTERCEPTION: Brophy (C) 1-36; SACK: Delos (C) 1-8
Coventry/WT 48, Canton 21
At Coventry
Canton (0-6)
7 0 0 14 – 21
Coventry/WT (5-0) 21 27 0 0 – 48
First Quarter
CWT: Jeremy Weeks 21 interception return (Tom Myers kick)
CWT: Alex Amarante 2 run (kick failed)
CWT: Kyle Wing 3 run (Myers 2 pt conv)
C- Kyle Mullins 2 run (Cameron Daley kick)
Second Quarter
CWT: Travis Lemire 12 run (Myers kick)
CWT: Mike Fahey 5 run (Myers kick)
CWT: Wing 38 run (Myers kick)
CWT: Weeks 45 interception return (Myers kick)
Fourth Quarter
C- Terrance Brophy 1 run (Jake Wood pass from Eric Scott)
C: Cameron Daley 3 run (pass fails)
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Mullins 17-106, Gavin 1-minus 11, Delos 23-81, Daley 7-54, Brophy 3-8, Grillo 1-3, Scott 3-5, Gumbs 3-22
PASSING: Gavin 0-7-3, 0; Scott 0-1-0, Daley 0-1-0
PUNTING: Delos 2-60
RETURNS: Kickoffs – Delos 4-140; Punts – Daley 4-75
Enfield 34, Canton 0
At Enfield
Canton (0-5)
0 0 0 0 – 0
Enfield (4-1)
7 20 0 7 – 34
First Quarter
E: Hugh Lindo 16 pass from Tony Romano (Anthony Trotta kick)
Second Quarter
E: Lindo 11 pass from Romano (kick failed)
E: Avery Boissy 8 run (Trotta kick)
E: Tyler deMontigny 35 pass from Romano (Trotta kick)
Fourth Quarter
E: Boissy 19 run (Trotta kick)
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Mullins 17-50, Grillo 1-5, LaChance 2-15, Scott 3-6, Daley 3-11, Brophy 1-10, Gumbs 1-4, DeMarco 1-minus 1
PASSING: Scott 3-15-1, 60; Daley 1-1-0, 1
RECEIVING: LaChance 1-5, DeMarco 1-50, Grillo 1-2, Mullins 1-3, Gumbs 1-1
RETURNS: Daley 2-36 (kickoff return); DeMarco 2-29 (kickoff returns)
Avon 31, Canton 0
At Avon
Canton (0-4) 0 0 0 0 – 0
Avon (3-1)
0 8 8 16 – 31
Second quarter
A: Colin Moore 9 run (Moore run), 1:44
Third quarter
A: Moore 71 run (Moore run), 3:52
Fourth quarter
A: Moore 2 run (Moore run), 9:34
A: Noah Gilmore 50 run (Will DiStefano kick), 3:18
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Avon – Noah Gilmore 2-95, Patrick Driscoll-Kelly 1-minus 1, Colin Moore 24-175, Jimmy Murphy 1-7, Sean Smith 3-minus 1, Chris Suttmeier 1-11; Canton – Eric Scott 7-minus 17, Robby Grillo 2-5, Kyle Mullins 21-72, Jesse Lachance 2-minus 3, Cameron Daley 4-13, Keith Wilson 1-minus 13, Dan Delos 3-1
PASSING: Avon – Colin Moore 2-4-0, 19; Canton – Eric Scott 6-9-1, 59; Daley 0-1-0
RECEIVING: Avon – Will DiStefano 2-19; Canton – Jake Wood 3-26, Zach Powell 1-30, Conner Gavin 1-4, Robby Grillo 1-minus 1
RETURNS: Kickoffs – Jimmy Murphy (A) 1-18, Colin Moore (A) 1-12, Cameron Daley (C) 4-38; Punts – Patrick Driscoll-Kelly (A) 3-19
SACKS: Jimmy Murphy (A) 2.5-22, Kwinton Proffitt 1-6; INTERCEPTIONS: Stephen Griffin (A) 1-8
Housatonic/Wamogo 36, Canton 20
At Canton
Housy/Wam (3-0) 16 14 0 6 – 36
Canton (0-3)
0 6 8 8 - -20
First Quarter
H: Jake Sutterlin 5 run (Will Perotti run)
H: Jake Foley 32 run (Foley run)
Second Quarter
C: Kyle Mullins 3 run (run failed)
H: Jeremy Stiewing 60 pass from Sutterlin (Foley run)
H: Forrest Hayden 80 fumble return (run failed)
Third Quarter
C: Eric Scott 1 run (Jake Wood pass from Scott)
Fourth Quarter
H: Stiewing 30 pass from Perotti (run failed)
C: Jessie Lachance 4 run (Wood pass from Scott)
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Kyle Mullins 29-120, Jesse LaChance 15-80, Robby Grillo 5-5, eric Scott 5-8, Cameron Daley 1-3, Delos 2-8
PASSING: Eric Scott 1-6-1, 6
RECEIVING: Jake Wood 1-6
PUNTING: Dan Delos 1-32
RETURNS: Kickoffs: Cameron Daley 1-17, Jake Wood 1-10, DeMarco 2-17
Windsor Locks 22, Canton 20
At Canton
Windsor Locks (1-1) 8 0 6 8 – 22
Canton (0-2)
0 0 6 14 – 20
First quarter
WL: Trystan Cauley 27 run (Curtis Cauley run), 11:42
Third quarter
C: Zach Powell 24 pass from Eric Scott (pass fails), 6:25
WL: Cauley 39 run (run fails), 3:36
Fourth quarter
C: Keith Wilson 21 pass from Scott (Connor Gavin pass from Scott), 11:41
C: Wilson 38 pass from Sebastian Gumbs (pass fails), 0:56
WL: Cauley 27 run (Cauley run), 0:00
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Canton -- Sebastian Gumbs 1-5, Jesse LaChance 8-21, Cameron Daley 1-4, Keith Wilson 1-17, Eric Scott 5-minus 6, Kyle Mullins 10-59, Robby Grillo 2-7, Conner Gavin 1-6; Windsor Locks –Trystan Cauley 24-180, Jeremy Wilson 2-18, Ago Jiminez 7-21, Curtis Cauley 5-4, Jeremy Voyer 2-5, Andrew Green 2-minus 6
PASSING: Canton – Gumbs 1-1-0, 38; Scott 3-12-0, 52; Daley 0-1-0; Windsor Locks – Jiminez 0-1-0
RECEIVING: Canton – Keith Wilson 2-59, Zach Powell 2-31
TACKLES: Latvis 11, 3 assits; Mullins 8, 1 assist, Daley 5, 1 assist; SACK-- Lachance 1-11; Fumble recovery: Amoroso, Grillo, Mullins
Ellington/Somers 56, CHS 16
At Ellington
Canton (0-1)
0 0 8 8 – 16
Ellington (1-0) 34 13 6 0 -- 56
First Quarter
E: Mitch DiResta 9 run (DiResta kick)
E: DiResta 1 run (DiResta kick)
E: DiResta 47 run (kick failed)
E: Jack Schneider 11 run (DiResta kick)
E: Bryan Rider 11 run (DiResta kick)
Second Quarter
E: Rider 9 run (kick failed)
E: Jason Mustafa 59 run (DiResta kick)
Third Quarter
C: Sebstatain Gumbs 32 pass from Eric Scott (Connor Gavin pass from Scott)
E: Joe Leslie 33 run (run failed)
Fourth Quarter
C: Gumbs 10 pass from Cameron Daley (Daley run)
Individual statistics
RUSHING: Kyle Mullins 13-25, Robby Grillo 3-15, Jake Wood 2-8, Eric Scott 1-minus 1, Cameron Daley 3-20, Sebastian Gumbs 3-minus 5
PASSING: Eric Scott 4-14-1, 43 yards, 1 TD; Cameron Daley 2-2-0, 22 yards, 1 TD
RECEIVING: Conner Gavin 2-7, Kyle Mullins 1-4, Sebastian Gumbs 3-54
PUNTING: Dan Delos 3-93
RETURNS: Conner Gavin 1-minus 3 (KR), Cameron Daley 6-88 (KR), Jake Wood 1-7 (KR), Terrence Brophy 1-19 (KR)
TACKLES: Lachance 5 tackles, 4 assists; Latvis 4 tackles, Delos 4 tackles, Mullins 3 tackles, Grillo 3 tackle
CANTON, Jan. 21 – There will be a new leadership with the Canton High football program next fall. Head coach Roger Pearl and most of his coaching staff have resigned. Assistant coaches Mark Amoroso and Dennis D’Angelo also stepped down. Dee Stephen, Canton’s new athletic director, is seeking applications for the head coaching position. Assistant coach Jose Santana did not resign.
Pearl led the Warriors for four seasons, posting an overall record of 11-30. A young Warrior team, consisting primarily of sophomores and juniors, failed to win a game this year, going 0-10. Canton was 3-7 in 2010 and 2-9 in 2008.
Canton’s best season under his leadership was in 2009 when the Warriors went 6-4 for its first winning season since 1958. After dropping their first three games, the Warriors won six straight games including scoring a school record 54 points in a win over Housatonic and gaining 586 yards of total offense in a win over Wolcott Tech. Six players earned All-Pequot Conference honors.
Under Pearl, 15 Canton players earned All-Pequot Conference honors and linebacker Nate Scott was the first football player in school history to earn All-State honors in 2010. Canton did win the Sportsmanship Award from the Hartford Board of Football Officials and Pearl has been selected to be part of the Connecticut coaching staff for this summer's Governor's Cup All-Star game against Rhode Island.
“I have no regrets and I wouldn’t have done anything different if I had to do it all again,” Pearl said. “I wish all of the players the best of luck in the future.”
Pearl and Amoroso are candidates for positions in another high school program that they declined to name at this time.
Latvis named to
All-Pequot squad
Senior linebacker Erik Latvis was the lone Canton player to earn All-Pequot Conference honors in recent balloting from league coaches although three players earned Honorable Mention recognition. Latvis played on both sides of the ball for the Warriors. Defensively, he blocked a punt and two extra points while leading the squad with 71 tackles (43 solo tackles, 28 assists). Latvis has been selected to tryout for the Connecticut All-Star football team that plays the Rhode Island All-Stars in June. Canton kicker Dan Delos, center Mike Amoroso and linebacker Kyle Murphy received Honorable Mention All-Pequot recognition.
Learn more about Latvis in a story from earlier this fall.
Mistakes hurt Warriors in 2nd half vs. Granby
GRANBY, Nov. 24 – A young Canton High football team had its chances in Thursday’s Thanksgiving Day game with Granby. Kyle Mullins and Sebastain Gumbs scored on a TD runs of 6 and 22 yards, respectively, for the Warriors. But crucial mistakes doomed the Warriors in a 27-12 loss to Granby as Canton finished with a 0-10 record.
“In the second half, we made some crucial mistakes that cost us the game,” Canton coach Roger Pearl said. “We had the youngest team in the league. Each game we played with several sophomores and freshman starting or getting a lot of playing time. In high school football, a 14-year-old freshman can’t compete against a 18 or 19-year-old senior. Experience at the varsity level isn’t the same as playing junior varsity.”
Pearl is looking forward to the future. The junior varsity team went undefeated. With just five seniors on the team, many underclassmen picked up crucial experience. “We’ll havce nine or 10 returning players on both sides of the ball.”
For Granby (2-8), junior co-captain Steven Blake ran for 88 yards and 2 TDs as the Bears earned their second-ever varsity win at Ahrens Park. Zach Balboni, who started the game at QB for Granby, moved to receiver in the second half and caught nine passes for 125 yards from Curt Field.
Granby captured the first Thanksgiving Day trophy and saw coach Paul Schmutz announce his retirement from coaching. Schmutz, who had a long career of coaching at Springfield Cathedral, has been coaching at Granby for the past four years, the last two at the varsity level. He has been coaching 36 years at Springfield Science and Technology and Fermi High in Enfield (2004-05).
Canton can't cash in against Tigerhawks
SIMSBURY, Nov. 17 – Sport Medicine Science Academy/University High scored on their first four possessions of the second half in a 36-8 victory over Canton under the lights at Simsbury High on Thursday night. The visiting Tigerhawks (4-5) led just by eight points at halftime and actually had eight fewer offensive yards than Canton at the break.
But SMSA/University played well in the second half to capture the first-ever meeting between the two programs. “I think the kids are starting to buy into what we are trying to do … on every snap,” SMSA/University head coach Graham Martin said. “We’re not just showing up for the game. They’re a good bunch of kids who are working hard in practice. (On Tuesday), we were inside and they were banging.” Martin helped resurrect the Canton program, coaching for the Warriors in 2006-07.
SMSA's Rashod Cauley caught a six passes for 169 yards and two TDs while QB Wilfredo Alicea completed 7-of-11 passes for 188 yards and two TDs. Alicea has thrown six touchdown passes and just one interception in the last four games.
SMSA led 8-0 at halftime thanks to a 54-yard pass to Cauley from Alicea on the Tigerhawks’ first play of the game. In the third quarter, SMSA took its opening possession and marched 65 yards on seven plays with Alicea getting over from the 1-yard line. A successful conversion run from Kiante Macon made it 16-0. The big play in the drive was a 26-yard completion to Cauley from Alicea and a 25-yard run from Caleb Martin.
Canton (0-9) struck back quickly with a 56-yard touchdown pass from QB Eric Scott to senior Zach Powell. A successful two-point conversion cut the lead to 16-8.
But SMSA's Kiante Macon returned the kickoff 36 yards to the Canton 40-yard line and it took the Tigerhawks just four plays to score on a 33-yard TD reception to Cauley from Alicea for a 24-8 lead. Kayron Macon added a pair of touchdown runs (34, 33 yards) to extend the SMSA lead.
Canton had its chances in the first half. A 25-yard pass from Scott to Powell gave the Warriors the ball on the Tigerhawk seven-yard line. But on the next play, Canton fumbled the ball away.
In the second quarter, Canton freshman Cameron Daley stripped the ball from SMSA’s Kayron Macon and recovered the ball on the Tigerhawk 40-yard line. Canton drove to the SMSA 19 but an illegal substitution penalty pushed them back five yards and Scott threw an incomplete pass. The drive ended on the next play with an interception.
On its next drive, Scott completed three consecutive passes of 25, 13 and 5 yards to three different receivers. The Warriors moved to the Tigerhawk 18 but Daley lost four yards on third down and on fourth down, Scott was sacked for a four-yard loss to end the threat.
“Four or five plays changed the whole dynamic of the game,” Canton coach Roger Pearl said. “We turned the ball over twice in the red zone and we missed two tackles (on two big touchdown plays).”
Scott had the best game of his career. He completed a career-high 10-of-15 passes for a career-high 176 yards. Jake Wood caught four passes for 45 yards while Powell had two receptions for 45 yards.
SENIOR DAY: Canton’s five seniors were honored before the game – Josiah Durbois, Conner Gavin, Ryan Glynn, Erik Latvis and Zack Powell. ... The Warriors end the season with its first game on Thanksgiving Day since the 1930s when they face Granby on the road Thursday morning.
Well-rounded effort lifts Stafford past Canton
CANTON, Nov. 8 – Matt Graham and Tim Artruc each rushed for over 100 yards as Stafford/East Windsor dominated Canton, 40-7 on Tuesday. “When you score on offense, on defense, and on special teams, you know you’ve had a good day,’’ Stafford coach Corey Bernier told the Manchester Journal Inquirer. “We were able to do a lot of things. I wouldn’t say it was our best game, but it was our most well rounded game. Stafford scored touchdowns on an run (81, 7, 15 yards), pass interception (55) and punt return (73). Canton scored on a 6-yard pass to Zach Powell from Cameron Daley.
Molway, Yellowjackets run over Warriors
CANTON, Oct. 29 – Gilbert/Northwestern’s Devon Molway scored 5 TDs and ran for a school-record 313 yards to lead the Yellowjackets to a 50-12 win over Canton in a game that ended in a steady snowfall. The kickoff was moved up two hours because of the weather forecasts that called for heavy, wet snow.
Gilbert (5-2) also received 122 yards and two touchdowns on four carries from Tony Ortiz. The Yellowjackets forced five Canton turnovers, recovering two fumbles and intercepting three passes. Gilbert didn't complete a pass but ran for 476 yards.
For Canton (0-7), Jake Wood scored on a six-yard TD reception from Eric Scott while Kyle Mullins scored his team-leading third TD of the season on a 70-yard run in the fourth quarter. Fifty points was the third-highest number of points that Canton has allowed in a single game. Gilbert scored 58 points against the Warriors in a 58-0 win in 1953 and Ellington/Somers scored 56 against Canton earlier this year.
Now, Canton's Latvis seldom gets to rest
CANTON, Oct. 26 -- When he was a sophomore, Canton High's Erick Latvis didn't play a down on varsity. Now, as a senior, Latvis is rarely off the field for the Warrior football team. With hard work, Latvis has made himself a crucial player for Canton. He is Canton's leading tackler with 40 tackles after six games.
Patriots too strong in easy win over Canton
COVENTRY, Oct. 21 – The Patriots’ Jeremy Weeks returned two interceptions for touchdowns to lead undefeated Coventry/Windham Tech to a 48-21 victory over Canton. Weeks scored the games first TD on a 21-yard interception return with only nine seconds gone in the game. He scored Coventry’s final TD on a 48-yard interception return in the second quarter to give the Patriots a 48-0 lead. He had three interceptions in the game.
Kyle Mullins led Canton (0-5) with a career-high 115 yards on 19 carries and one rushing TD. Dan Delos ran for 90 yards on 21 carries. Coventry received a balanced attack from Travis Lamere (2-42, 1 TD), Alex Amarante (8-47) and Kyle Wing (5-49, 2 TDs).
Enfield blanks Warriors
ENFIELD, Oct. 15 – QB Tony Romano threw three 3 TD passes, including two to Hugh Lindo, as Enfield improved to 4-1 with a 34-0 win over Canton. Romano completed 12-of-19 passes for 193 yards while teammate Avery Boissy ran for 118 yards and 2 TDs.
Canton plays tough but Avon pulls away for shutout victory
AVON, Oct. 6 -- Canton didn't make it easy for the Avon High football team Thursday afternoon. Avon punted four times on its first five possesions and lost the ball on downs at the Canton 23-yard line. “I give Canton all the credit in the world,” Avon High coach Brett Quinion said. “They did a great job taking away our power and isolation game. I had to change our blocking schemes.”
But explosive junior Colin Moore was too much for the Warriors in a 31-0 loss. Moore had a 71-yard TD run on Avon’s first play of the third quarter, the Falcons scored 25 second half points. Moore finished with 3 TDs, 24 points scored and a game-high 175 yards on 24 carries.
Canton (0-4) played with abandon. Three times in the first half, the Warriors ran the ball on fourth down and one. They made it twice. Canton defenders nailed Moore for losses twice. “We’re a better team than our record shows,” Canton coach Roger Pearl said. “We were very aggressive on defense and very physical. We just need to stop making crucial mistakes at crucial times.”
Mountaineers take advantage of mistakes
CANTON, Oct. 1 – The Housatonic/Wamogo football team is known for its single wing formation in which they use to primarily run the ball and control the clock. On Saturday, they also deployed the short pass to burn the Warriors for a pair of long touchdowns in a 36-20 victory. The win gives Housatonic (3-0) its best start since 1994.
Mistakes put Canton (0-3) in an early hole. Fifty-one seconds into the game, the Warriors fumbled the ball away and four plays later, the Mountaineers led, 8-0. On its next possession, Housatonic defensive back Jeremy Stiewing had an interception and nice return to set up the Mountaineers’ second touchdown and a 16-0 lead.
Led by Kyle Mullins (season-high 120 yards rushing), the Warriors marched 75 yards and cut the deficit to 10 on a three-yard run. But Housatonic made Canton pay when Jake Sutterlin found Stiewing behind the defense for a 60-yard touchdown pass and Matt McElhone returned a fumble 80 yards for a touchdown late in the second quarter for a 30-6 halftime lead.
Windsor Locks rally catches Canton
CANTON, Sept. 24 – Despite committing 13 penalties and losing the ball twice on fumbles, the Canton High football team nearly pulled off a tremendous comeback against Windsor Locks/Suffield/East Granby. The Warriors scored a pair of fourth quarter touchdowns including a 38-yard pass from freshman Sebastian Gumbs to Keith Wilson with 56 seconds left in regulation to give the Warriors a six-point lead -- its first lead of the afternoon.
But Windsor Locks marched 73 yards in 56 seconds, scoring on a 27-yard run from Trystan Cauley with no time left on the clock and adding a two-point conversion run from the eight yard line to stun the Warriors, 22-20. Cauley scored 3 TDs and ran for a game-high 180 yards on 24 carries.
Purple Knights too strong for Warriors
ELLINGTON, Sept. 17 – Freshman Sebastian Gumbs caught a pair of touchdown passes but it wasn’t enough as Ellington/Somers dominated Canton on opening day with a 53-16 victory. The Purple Knights led 34-0 after one quarter and 47-0 at halftime. Gumbs scored in the third quarter on a 32-yard touchdown pass from Eric Scott and in the fourth quarter on a 10-yard pass from Cameron Daley. It was the first career TD pass for both Scott and Daley.
Ellington ran for 410 yards on 39 carries and limited Canton to 87 yards of total offense. The Warriors fumbled the ball away three times and were intercepted once. Canton receivers dropped seven balls and had a -punt blocked. For Ellington, Mitch DiResta ran for 3 TDs and 115 yards on 10 carries. The 56 points was the second highest number of points allowed in school history, falling two points short of the 58 points the Warriors gave up against Gilbert in a 58-0 loss in 1953.
Canton, Lewis Mills each score 4 TDs in scrimmage
CANTON, Sept. 10 -- In the final scrimmage before next week's season opener, Canton scored four TDs and tied Lewis Mills, 30-30 in two quarters of play. The junior varsity played the remaining two quarters. Kyle Mullins ran for two TDs while Connor Gavin caught a 15-yard TD pass from Eric Scott and Matt DeMarco had a 45-yard interception return for a TD. Robert Martinotti scored 3 TDs for Mills, who also scored on a 82-yard kickoff return.
Opening day milestones
Record: 14-17
Biggest win: 1947, Canton 37, Torrington JVs 0
Last win: 1958, Canton 18, Gilbert 6
Biggest loss: 1953, Gilbert 58, Canton 0
Note: Canton has lost eight straight games on opening day, dating back to 1958. The Warriors didn’t field a varsity team in 1961-62 or 1965-2006. … This is Canton’s first opener against Ellington/Somers.
Warrior preview 2011
Young Warriors look
to build foundation
CANTON, Sept. 7 – Building a football program isn’t easy. It takes effort during the season and in the off-season. Since the Canton High football program was reborn in 2007 as a varsity program, the Warriors have had one winning season in four campaigns, going 6-4 in 2009.
A year ago, the Warriors went 3-7 with a team sprinkled with some veterans and a lot of young players. This year, Canton is set to field another relatively young squad with a few veterans and a host of younger players. The roster is peppered with sophomores and freshmen.
The future looks bright. However, this year might be a campaign of little triumphs and growing pains. “We’re getting better every day,” fourth-year coach Roger Pearl said. “We’re young and the attitude is fantastic. It’s 100 percent better than it was last year. They are all working hard as a team and we have some young talent.”
Canton has five starters returning including All-Pequot Conference running back Kyle Mullins (64 rushes, 516 yards, 2 TDs). Center Josiah Durbois, guard Erick Latvis, fullback Rob Grillo (33 rushes, 127 yards) and receiver Tim Gavin return. Sophomore quarterback Eric Scott should start for the Warriors along with senior guard Ryan Glynn and senior wide receiver Zach Powell.
Defensively, Canton will be young. Still, look for junior linebacker Jesse Lachance to make some plays along with Tim Gavin, a two-year starter at cornerback and Latvis at defensive end. Sophomores Terrance Brady (wide receiver, running back), Mike Amoroso (linebacker, guard), Jake Wood (linebacker) and Miller Pachen (left tackle) should see playing time along with freshman Henry Bonini.
“They’re working well together,” Pearl said. “There are no superstars on this team. They’re all working together as one.”
Four scrimmages set for Warriors
CANTON, August 21 -- The Warriors have scheduled four scrimmages to prepare for the 2011 campaign. On Thursday, Aug. 25, Canton will face Haddam Killingworth at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield at 9 a.m. On Tuesday, Aug. 30, the Warriors will host St. Paul at 4 p.m., will face Rocky Hill on the road on Sat. Sept. 3 at 10 a.m., and conclude the exhibition season by hosting Lewis Mills on Sat. Sept. 10 at 11 a.m.
Two new coaches join CHS staff
CANTON, July 25 – Canton High has added two new coaches to its football staff. Jose Santana and Mark Amoroso will join head coach Roger Pearl when the season begins in September.
Santana is the new offensive line coach. He has 20 years of coaching experience, including the last four years as an assistant coach at Becker College, a Division III program in Leicester, Mass. Previously, he coached at Hartford Public High and Windsor High. He’ll also coach the running backs and linebackers.
Amoroso has been promoted from a volunteer coach to a paid coach. He’ll also help coach running backs and line backers. He will serve as the head junior varsity and freshman coach.
Canton is among smallest schools with football team
CANTON, August 20 - - Canton is among the smallest schools in the state with a varsity football team. Canton is the second smallest school in the Pequot Conference with a team with 270 boys in grades 9-12 attending. Only New Haven based Hyde is smaller with 163 students. Canton is the second smallest public high school team to field a team on its own. Only Derby (215 students) is smaller. Three other Catholic schools, Derby and Hyde have a smaller enrollment than Canton.
Avon will have the most boys in grades 9-12 of the 20 schools in the Pequot Football Conference this fall but just by one boy. Overall enrollment at Avon dropped 15 this year to 548 boys according to figures filed with the CIAC. Nearly even with the Falcons is the co-op team of East Hampton and Vinal Tech with 547 boys in the two schools. East Hampton will be fielding a varsity team for the first time.
Quattro to receive Scholar Athlete award
CANTON, April 13 – Canton High’s Nick Quattro will be sharing a unique award with his father, Mark. Nick will be honored as a Scholar Athlete by the northern Connecticut chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame at their annual banquet in May. Quattro will be honored with 14 other area football players for his academic achievement, leadership and drive for excellence.
Nick’s father received the same Scholar Athlete award from the Greater New Haven chapter when he was a student at Sacred Heart High School in Waterbury in 1973.
Nick is just the second Canton player to ever be selected to receive the Scholar Athlete award. Luke Talbot was honored following the 2007 campaign. The chapter began honoring athletes in 1962.
Quattro led Canton in receiving this past season, pulling in 31 receptions for 497 yards and five touchdowns. He led the team with three interceptions for 35 yards and returned a team-high 16 kickoffs for 241 yards. In a game against Avon, he caught four passes for 51 yards while returning six kickoffs for 72 yards. The banquet will be May 15 at the AquaTurf Restaurant in Southington.
Canton to face Granby Thanksgiving morning
CANTON, February 16 – The Warriors announced their 10-game slate for 2011 which includes the first Thanksgiving Day game in over 80 years. Canton will begin a Thanksgiving Day rivalry with Granby. Previously, Canton had played on Thanksgiving Eve in 2007 against Vinal Tech. The Warriors played on Thanksgiving against their own alumni in 1935 and 1936.
The season opens on Sept. 17 at Ellington with the first home game on Sept. 24 against Windsor Locks/Suffield. Canton will play Sport and Medical Science Academy (SMSA) for the first time in November as one of their five home games.
The SMSA game has been moved to Thursday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at Dillon Stadium in Hartford to give both teams a few more days off before their Thanksgiving Day games. Canton will be the home team. SMSA is coached by Graham Martin, who helped reboot the Canton program in 2006-07.
With the addition of SMSA to the Pequot Uncas Division, Canton will no longer play any teams from the Pequot Sassacus Division.
TWO COACHES LEAVE: Two members of the Warrior coaching staff have moved on. Dante Boffi, the team’s offensive coordinator, and Dennis Minor, the receiver’s coach, have stepped down. Both have taken positions at other high schools. “We had a wonderful experience in Canton,” Boffi said. Boffi will continue to be the varsity boys tennis coach at CHS. Canton head coach Roger Pearl and athletic coordinator John Bement are taking applications for the two openings on the staff.
Organization elects new officers
CANTON, Jan. 21 -- Friends of Canton Football, the parent volunteer organization that financially supports the football and girls lacrosse programs, recently elected new officers. A.J. Zukowski was elected as president with Sara Scott tabbed to serve as vice president. Kathy Wood continues as treasurer while Diana Lawler has been elected secretary.
Karl Grabowski, Bill Plourd and Jim Garrity remain on the Board of Directors but are no longer officers.
“I’d like to thank the outgoing officers, Bill Plourd and Jim Garrity for their many years of services in helping make football a success in Canton,” said Grabowski, who served as president of the organization. “Personally like would to say it’s been a true pleasure and honor in leading such a quality group of individuals in such a noble cause.” Chuck Latvis is the eighth member of the Board of Directors.